Welcome to the program of Experiences and touristic products of Argentina for the international market

January-July 2021

This program aims to carry out a work throughout the country that allows us to survey, analyze and segment the offer of touristic products, experiences and services prepared for the international market, through joint work with the referents of the public and private sectors of the Argentine tourism, and to be able to conclude with the elaboration of a catalog of experiences that allows ARGENTINA to disembark in international markets with a differentiated offer, qualified and adjusted to the needs of the new international tourist

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Acerca del programa

¿Cómo participar?

Siendo parte del relevamiento de experiencias y productos turísticos en todo el territorio argentino mediante encuestas, talleres y entrevistas individuales.

¿Quiénes participaran?

Actores del sector público y privado de todo el país: Organismos Oficiales de Turismo Provinciales y Municipales, Cámaras y Asociaciones sectoriales de todo el país. Agencias de Viajes, Empresas de todas las ramas del turismo y prestadores de servicios cuya oferta y propuestas turísticas estén dirigidas a mercados internacionales.

¿Dónde sucederá?

Nos mantendremos en contacto con todos los participantes a través de una plataforma digital. Una vez registrado, te iremos informando de las actividades y de los avances del programa.

What will we do?
You will be part of surveys that will allow us, based on your contributions, to identify the experiences and products of the entire Argentine territory.
We may personally contact you so that you can provide us with information, knowledge and opinion about tourism products and experiences from Argentina or your region of influence.
We will organize federal and regional workshops for you to help us design, build and define the catalog of touristic experiences in Argentina.



JOIN and be part of this construction by giving visibility to the touristic proposal of your territory, segment or activity



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